Thursday, April 16, 2009

catimini spring sale

go check out our friends at Trendy Togs, they're having a 20% off sale on catimini childrens clothing for spring 2009 and summer 2009. The snow is barely gone from most of the country and you can already find some great boutique girls clothing from catimini.

hurry, all those special spring events for kids are right around the corner.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Sale 20% off

There's nothing like a sale, especially when you've been drooling over and outfit. Take 20% off your favorites like Catimini, Oilily, Lili Gaufrette, Baby Nay and more!
Summer is just around the corner, get ready and get a deal! It's for a limited time only, so don't drag your feet...5 days only to save on your favorite kids boutique clothing brands.